Poems from Nadine Thomas

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My name is Nadine Thomas. I am from Jamaica. I attend Claflin University in South Carolina. I have been writing dialect poetry from twelve years old where I started to compete in The Jamaica Cultural Development Commission. Moving to school in America has inspired me to write and perform English pieces and I also competed in the SCSTA.
Big guy said it’s not worth it I am wasting my time pretending to be something I am not Then sadness agrees And a few others shared their...
On stage, she rocks, A witty smile, an angelic voice Features so perfect Every guy wanted to be with her Every girl wanted to be her  ...
If you were a fly I want to be your spoil meat Send your proboscis in my tender blue-black skin Allow the juice to ooze from within My...
She sat down with her hands on her cheekbone, Worrying to death if he would be home She paced, From the kitchen to the bathroom Then to the...
For some books, their covers are empty, Unmarked, blank as eyeballs of dead But as you flip the pages scrutinize sentences You realize how...